What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

This pain often feels like it begins in the lower back, but it quickly travels down into the buttock and shoots down the back of your leg. Sometimes it might even reach all the way into the foot and toes. It’s an intense shooting, searing type of pain. Some sufferers of sciatica have even described … Read more

5 Great Stretches For Sciatica

A sciatic nerve injury can be so painful and debilitating that you don’t want to leave the couch. Sciatica can be caused by a ruptured disk, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine canal), and injury. Sciatica is not an actual condition, but a very uncomfortable symptom of the back, hip, or pelvic issues. Fortunately, stretching … Read more

Sciatica Causes & Types You Should Know

If you suffer from sciatica, you know how painful it can be. It can disrupt your daily life, affecting everything from sitting in the car to standing in the kitchen to make a meal.  Sciatica is a term used for any pain or symptom that causes numbness or sensation like tingling along the sciatic nerve.  This means … Read more